Before I Get the Ball Rolling
Archive for the ‘Beyond Mandingo: Having Super-Duper Relationships’ Category
What Everybody Ought to Know About Friendship
Thursday, July 17th, 2008Till Death Do Us Part? BullS……….
Tuesday, July 8th, 2008Here’s Why Everybody Should be a Polygamist
Tuesday, June 17th, 2008The Great Polygamy Debate
A couple of you wanted me to get a discussion started on this and I wanted to discuss this and so (more…)
Jungle Fever 2: The Relationship Between White Men and African Women
Monday, May 12th, 2008One of the first articles I ever wrote was Jungle Fever: the Relationships Between African Men and White Women. It’s not my proudest achievement, but if you type ‘mandingo fantasy’ in Google, I will be among the first few search results (and ironically, by using that term again in a post, I pretty much solidify my standing on page 1 of the term’s search results).
For that reason, that article get’s read every single day somewhere in the world. Since I am constantly going back to the article to moderate comments, I noticed that I promised to give my take on what happens when the Women of Chocolate meet the Men of Vanilla. So here we are.
Considering that I was not blessed with the ability to breastfeed (more…)
Guest Post: An Open Letter to Men on How to Treat Women
Sunday, May 4th, 2008Introduction
1) An Open Letter to Women on How to Treat Men
2) Sunny’s article on the Walk for Breast Cancer
Letter To Men (more…)
For the Ladies: Stop Complaining
Monday, March 31st, 2008Ladies, I love you, I adore you and God made you more beautiful than the roof of Sistine Chapel. In addition to that, some of you have genuine reasons to complain, after all, a lot of the time, men are well (no offence fellas) useless really. Just selfish users who don’t bring much to your life. HOWEVER, for the love of all that is peaceful and pure: please stop complaining so much.
What Type of Partner and Lover Will You Be? :I Am Growing Up
Saturday, March 22nd, 2008I am growing up. I am actually growing up. Over the past couple of weeks, ever since I got hit by the lovebug, one thought has loomed deep in my mind: what type of husband/wife and father/mother do I want to be? (more…)
Keeping it Real: Your Ugly Side is Your Real Side
Thursday, March 20th, 2008Today I want to write a real quick one on something that has been marinating in the nether regions of my brain for a while now and absolutely fascinates me. Apologies if it’s too abstract!
Keeping It Real Is Synonymous With the Worst of Us (more…)
Promiscuity Making a Man a Stud and a Woman a Whore IS NOT a Double Standard. Here’s Why?
Saturday, March 1st, 2008As we wind down into the weekend, I am very much in the mood to discuss relationships. Therefore, let me express my views on a rather controversial topic in this day and age.
Promiscuity: Why Aren’t Men and Women Judged by the Same Standards? (more…)