Archive for the ‘Guest Posts’ Category
Guest Post: Jim from Kenyan Zone
Wednesday, April 30th, 2008Introduction
1) Open Office
2) Kenyan Zone
To learn more about Open Source click here
Why Open Source Projects will save Kenyan Education? (more…)
7 Barriers to Immigrant’s Success
Friday, February 29th, 2008
Hello, hello. I thought I would take a break from the writing for a couple of days and recharge my batteries a little bit. It would be an outrage for me to leave y’all high and dry and so I thought I would enlist the help of someone I met via this blog, Coach Caroline. Definitely one of the most interesting and passionate people I have spoken to in quite a while. Below she outlines some of the things that stand in the way of immigrants living the best lives possible. I hope it is of service to you. Leave comments below and I will get back to you as soon as I get back. Be blessed and bless others, Mwangi!