Archive for the ‘The Immigrant’s Survival Toolkit’ Category

The Afropolitan in You

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008


You know this article applies almost exactly to me. Though at present I am not a very big fan of esoteric or linguistically complex and philosophical pieces of writing, i.e. I like to dumb things down and like people who do the same, I can’t deny that this piece is introducing an idea that’s definitely one that’s worth thinking about and exploring through more pieces of writing, books, films etc. People like us African immigrants are an entirely unique entity unto ourselves and its time we began talking about our Afropolitan nature. Enjoy!

NB: I have quoted text from this blog post verbatim

What exactly is an “Afropolitan”?


The Top 7 Places An Immigrant Spends their Time

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

I am a strong believer in the idea that we are what we do, especially what we do repeatedly. With that in mind, I thought I would break down some of the places immigrants find themselves majority of the time. Take a moment and think about it; where do you spend most of your time? Does spending it there make your life better? Does it make anyone else’s life better? (more…)

Give Me Seven Minutes and I’ll Make You Fall in LOVE with RSS(Video)

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

As a member of the blogging community I got introduced to the technology of Real Simple Syndication (RSS). Below, I thought I would explain to you the benefits of RSS and why YOU should use RSS in your day to day life.It’s (just a little) over 7 minutes and has a surprising twist at the end…….

For those of you who don’t know How RSS works, I have created a video that shows you how you can quickly and easily begin using the free RSS technology. You can find the video in two parts below.

And of course, at the end of watching these videos, don’t forget to subscribe to the Displaced African’s RSS feed.

icon for podpress  Give Me Seven Minutes and I Will Make You an RSS Fanatic: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

icon for podpress  How RSS works part one: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

icon for podpress  How RSS Works part two: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Displaced African Review: Skype

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

NB: Unless otherwise specified, the $ sign refers to Australian dollars and not American dollars. To check out exchange rates please check out this website.

If I were to write this article without any rules it would basically be one long drool-fest over Skype.

Skype image

Therefore (more…)

icon for podpress  A business woman describes Skype: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Australian Dictionary: Words and Expressions You Will Often Here While Down Under

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Below is a list of words, expressions and institutions that you will regularly hear about once you land in the land down under. I expect this list to expand as you guys send me words that you often use within your Australian experience. For more information on Australian slang words check out Koala Net (more…)

Banking:How to Immigrate to Australia Within a Week

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

To refer to the check-list that you will guide you in immigrating to Australia within a week please refer to the Introduction post in the series.

ANZ Bank branch


I have only ever been with (more…)