Martin Luther King’s Dream Had One Little Hitch: Tolerance Isn’t All That It’s Cracked Up to Be

January 14th, 2008

Part one of the 10 things I wish I knew before I left Africa
One of my teachers once told me, “If you want to succeed, put words to things which people haven’t put words to yet. Give a name to, verbalize or talk about gnawing feelings that people have that they just can’t describe.” Ironically, I am about to do that for myself and in so doing I hope I give voice to some of the things that YOU experience.

MLK and Malcolm X Read the rest of this entry »

What is Kenya like according to Kenyans IN Kenya?

January 12th, 2008


I wrote a nice long article, hoping to release two articles today within twelve hours of each other, and then lo and behold, the computer froze up and deleted three quarters of my article. I should have that done by tomorrow. Today, however, as promised, I thought I would give you a glance into what is going on in Kenya from a Kenyan perspective. I will share with you a couple of resources that can dramatically increase your knowledge of what’s being going on in Kenya since the election debacle began.

Kenya burning

The Picture Man

Read the rest of this entry »

Half a** is better than no a**: Words of Caution to Those Who Are Helping Kenya

January 10th, 2008

Straight off the bat let me apologize for the vulgar language. Though I tend to use profanities in every day life that’s not what I wanted this blog to be about. Every once in a while you come across one of those expressions that just can’t be expressed in any other way.Plus it got your attention didn’t it?

Angry monkey

But Before I Get Started Read the rest of this entry »

How can we help the people of Kenya following the elections

January 8th, 2008


Kenyan escaping the clashes

I have created a new category within the blog which you can find on the sidebar to the right. It is called “How WE can help the people of Kenya”. It will basically be a list of ways you can get involved physically in taking Kenya to a brighter place following its current dip into the abyss. So let me begin with: Read the rest of this entry »

The Power of the American

January 8th, 2008

Kenyans que

The country is slowly returning to a state of calm. Kibaki is ready to negotiate the formation of a coalition with Raila Odinga. Raila Odinga is ready to negotiate WITHOUT any precondition-like the tiny caveat of Kibaki stepping down and Raila being given what he thinks was stolen from him.: Why? Read the rest of this entry »

Why YOU are responsible for the violence in Kenya and what YOU can do about it? (Why is there violence in Kenya after the elections part 1)

January 6th, 2008

Ballot Box

Pretty strong title huh? To be honest, the title makes one very small omission, the title should actually be “Why we are responsible for the riots and what we can do about it.”

200+ people are now dead in just 2 days….absolutely amazing. Read the rest of this entry »

Kibaki Wins; Who Cares?! (Part 1.5)

December 30th, 2007

smiling man

I am now feeling much better and much lighter after expressing myself on my previous post.Now after reflection here are a couple of distinctions:

1) It’s a pretty negative article; My hope is in having the contrast of hearing what I have to say when I am coming from a great place and when I am coming from a negative place you will understand me and the messages I present to you via this site a bit better.

2) Kibaki did do some good work during his term. He did a helluva lot of things wrong Read the rest of this entry »

Kibaki Wins; Who Cares?! What’s the alternative to the Election Results

December 30th, 2007

What saddens me?

Today is the last day of 2007. I have been working behind the scenes over the last month or so setting everything up so that around mid-January I can begin writing pretty much full time on this blog. I feel forced to write this post early because today is genuinely one of the saddest days of this year for me.

Now to put it in perspective, this year I have damaged a lot of relationships with people, done mean hurtful, disrespectful things that made me feel as bad as the person I hurt, I have been homeless and broke and I have been lonely and scared. None of that feels quite as heavy as what I am feeling today.

Today I feel ashamed; It’s currently 7a.m. and sometime around 2a.m. last night we watched live TV streamed directly from Kenya that bore news that Mwai Kibaki had “won” the election.

Now first of all I must confess Read the rest of this entry »

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Landed in Australia

December 3rd, 2007

The first post of the Displaced African blog: Yeah!

Smile it's the first one

First of all I must confess the title of the series is somewhat misleading. I almost never experience the emotion of regret to be quite honest. Instead I always look at every stupid thing I do as a learning experience for the next moment. If it were written for me I would have called it Ten things I have learned during my 5 year stay in Australia. The fact is, I am not writing this for me, I am writing this as a resource for ALL OF YOU especially if you somewhere in Mama Africa about to make the long journey to a Western country. I hope this series is of service to you and feel free to contact me and let me know your thoughts, in spite of your location or ethnicity.

Leaving Kenya

Picture this: It’s cold winter day in June 2002. The world cup final is playing out, Brazil vs Germany. This is the big one. The greatest world cup ever. Something even more important was happening in my life. Read the rest of this entry »