Opinions on Melbourne from a Wife, Mother and Entrepreneur
August 5th, 2008One of the Greatest Things that Immigration and Travel Teach You
August 3rd, 2008Discussion about One of the Greatest Books of the Bible
August 2nd, 2008Who Else Wants the Cheapest Flights to Africa?
August 1st, 2008To share this article on Facebook, click here.
Are you going to be flying to Africa later this year? Do you want to save as much money as possible on airfare?
Without too much build up, this page was created to be a resource list to help you get the cheapest flights to Africa.
I am writing this article from Australia, but a significant share of resources that I recommend are international and Internet based.
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Tips on Repatriating to Kenya from Linda of Capital FM
July 29th, 2008So Here’s What You Do When You are a Terrible Friend
July 28th, 2008Over the course of my time here in Australia I have lost my fair share of friends. Now granted, I have reconciled with many of them, and am in the process of being disconnected by some others, but still, I feel that perhaps I would best serve you by writing an article on how to keep friends from someone who is currently losing a few.
My 4 Hour Work Week Journey: Outsourcing Your Life
July 27th, 2008This is day 10 of My 4 Hour Work Week Journey. Please make sure you read the rest of the articles that came before this one to understand where I am in the journey. Click here to buy a copy of the 4 hour work week and go on the journey with me.
A Few Quick Thoughts About Jungle Fever
July 26th, 2008This blog post is about one of the first articles in the history of this blog, Jungle Fever: The Relationship Between African Men and White Women