Posts Tagged ‘African’

Top 49 African Musicians

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

By none other than

Image by none other than


Every Immigrant Has A Story Like This

Friday, June 13th, 2008

I wrote this piece a while back and submitted it to one of the big blogs in the African blogosphere in the hopes of being published as a guest author. But alas, I felt the sting of rejection 🙁 On the bright side, this piece gets published anyway 😀 ….and since there are a whole bunch of you new readers, I would like to welcome you with a tale of one of my experiences from my early days of Australian life. If you enjoy the peace, make sure you leave a comment with a little anecdote of your own.

The Battle Zone (more…)

The Afropolitan in You

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008


You know this article applies almost exactly to me. Though at present I am not a very big fan of esoteric or linguistically complex and philosophical pieces of writing, i.e. I like to dumb things down and like people who do the same, I can’t deny that this piece is introducing an idea that’s definitely one that’s worth thinking about and exploring through more pieces of writing, books, films etc. People like us African immigrants are an entirely unique entity unto ourselves and its time we began talking about our Afropolitan nature. Enjoy!

NB: I have quoted text from this blog post verbatim

What exactly is an “Afropolitan”?


7 Pieces of the Puzzle that Africa Has

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

As you will probably notice I am currently in the process of creating my email newsletter. It is going to be the latest permanent addition to this little blog so any advice on how to make my email newsletter better is very appreciated….oh and of course join it :). To today’s program:

Greetings, salutations and hello. Today’s article is a special treat for me and hopefully for you. It is yet another post that pretty much evolved over (more…)

Stuff African People Like: Their Solutions to Africa’s Problems

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Africa left over tanker (more…)

I Need Your Help

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Hello hello hello,

Guest post

I got to thinking recently and said to myself: (more…)

icon for podpress  The Lady, the Kid and Budapest!: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

My Story as an African Immigrant:Part five

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Before you read this, make sure you have read: Part one, Part two, Part three and Part four of my African immigrant story.


beautiful-sunset.jpg (more…)

My Story as an African Immigrant:Part Four

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Before reading this, please make sure you have read: Part one, Part two and Part three of my story as an African immigrant

Sad African

PART FOUR (more…)

My Story as an African Immigrant:Part three

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Before you read this make sure you have read: Part one and Part two of my story as an African immigrant

Poor African

PART THREE (more…)

My Story as an African Immigrant:Part two

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Before reading this, make sure you read:Part one of my story as an African immigrant.

Mwangi - the Displaced African

