Before listening to this make sure you listen to:
a) Part one
b) Part two of the interview
Make sure you listen to Part One of this interview with Julia Sanna first. (more…)
If there are two topics the Internet, including the African immigrant web, are obsessed with its relationships and sex. HUGE proportions of this blog’s traffic, controversy, friends and enemies come from relationship and sex-related articles.
With that in mind, I thought I would do the most responsible thing I could. Get someone who is an expert on relationships, especially as pertains to African immigrants and find out what she knows, what her research has uncovered and what practical tips we can take away that we can apply to make our intimate relationships magical.
TheĀ picture is gorgeous aint it
And so I called upon the years of expertise built by one Julia Sanna
This Interview Is (more…)
My co-host on SARFM radio (I get tickled silly that I can say that), Pammy, sent me an email asking me to check out a video.
The Topic of the Video: Should You Move in with Him?
It was 3 African women discussing whether or not they should move in with a man while living in the disapora. Check out the Youtube video right here:
What’s Very Cool About the Video?
Is its something that’s relevant to me and that I can relate to: I have many friends and acquaintances who have moved in with their romantic and sexual partners.
Sure its very common for Westerners to do it, actually here in Oz de facto couples have almost equal rights to marriage couples depending on the duration of their union, but very rarely is it discussed by us for us.
So Check Out the Video
Leave some Youtube comments and let them know what you think. If you have anything to add to the topic area, you are free to leave a comment below.
Have an awesome day,
This blog post is about one of the first articles in the history of this blog, Jungle Fever: The Relationship Between African Men and White Women
Before I Get the Ball Rolling
1) An Open Letter to Women on How to Treat Men
2) Sunny’s article on the Walk for Breast Cancer
Ladies, I love you, I adore you and God made you more beautiful than the roof of Sistine Chapel. In addition to that, some of you have genuine reasons to complain, after all, a lot of the time, men are well (no offence fellas) useless really. Just selfish users who don’t bring much to your life. HOWEVER, for the love of all that is peaceful and pure: please stop complaining so much.
I am growing up. I am actually growing up. Over the past couple of weeks, ever since I got hit by the lovebug, one thought has loomed deep in my mind: what type of husband/wife and father/mother do I want to be? (more…)