I get the strange feeling I have written this article before: if I have, apologies but recent discussions I have had have added some greater depth to this topic area.
Growing up I have always had this sense that I was (more…)
This blog post is about one of the first articles in the history of this blog, Jungle Fever: The Relationship Between African Men and White Women
Before I Get the Ball Rolling
1) An Open Letter to Women on How to Treat Men
2) Sunny’s article on the Walk for Breast Cancer
Ladies, I love you, I adore you and God made you more beautiful than the roof of Sistine Chapel. In addition to that, some of you have genuine reasons to complain, after all, a lot of the time, men are well (no offence fellas) useless really. Just selfish users who don’t bring much to your life. HOWEVER, for the love of all that is peaceful and pure: please stop complaining so much.
I am growing up. I am actually growing up. Over the past couple of weeks, ever since I got hit by the lovebug, one thought has loomed deep in my mind: what type of husband/wife and father/mother do I want to be? (more…)
As we wind down into the weekend, I am very much in the mood to discuss relationships. Therefore, let me express my views on a rather controversial topic in this day and age.
Promiscuity: Why Aren’t Men and Women Judged by the Same Standards? (more…)
This crush continues! Should any of my posts ever be of no value to you, let me know and I will move on……the topics are many, it is the time that is little. It is the time that is little. Sunny from Project Sunshine wrote to me and asked me to write a letter where I basically gave men tips on how to treat women. (more…)